New webmail facility launched

We are pleased to announce the release of our brand new webmail facility. Some users may already be familiar with our older webmail facility or other web based email clients having used the likes of GMail, Hotmail, Yahoo etc. Our webmail facility is an online service that provides access to send, receive, and review e-mail using your internet browser.
Our webmail provides an easy access of e-mail messages for users who are not connected to the internet from their usual location. Instead of the e-mail being downloaded to the computer you are checking your e-mail account from, the messages will stay on our hosted server, allowing you access to all e-mail messages regardless of what system or ISP you are connected to the Internet with. Pleaser note that this is a FREE additional service to your POP e-mail services.
You can access your webmail accounts via the webmail link below or through the ‘webmail login’ link located throughout our website. Once you have loaded the webmail page you will be asked to enter your username and password. Your username and password are the same as you use within your current email client and where provided to you at the start of your hosting/email account setup. If you are unsure of your username and password please contact us.
IMPORTANT! After logging in for the first time
Once you have logged in to the webmail system for the first time you will be prompted to change your account information so that the emails are sent from the correct address and from name (similar to when you setup your POP3/IMAP account). You will also have the option to add a signature too.
Access Webmail Now
Click here to access the Amasci Creative webmail facility